disaster, one thing after another, dominos

#26 – disaster

Hello writespiration. It’s been a while since we’ve spoken. It seems fitting to me that I would pick disaster as the next entry.  My life right now is a bit of a disaster. Nothing we […]


Oh, hello there

Prior to the Matzo Brei post, my last post was on 2/10. When I logged in, I had one major WordPress update and 15 minor updates. I have done nothing for ten weeks. And this […]


Writing for Pleasure

My husband has taken to writing. He’s published, and he shows no sign of stopping. I often humor (probably, likely, only) myself by quoting my favorite fictional man whenever I see him doing so in […]

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Cursive Survivors

Cursive Survivors

Earlier I shared a link on Facebook about schools no longer teaching cursive in school. With the advent of Common Core (which is a whole other ranty blog post waiting to happen) it is no […]