Welcome Back!

Welcome Back

A lot has happened since I talked about leaving my oldest at college last August. A lot a lot. It’s been an eventful six months is an understatement. 

Before I jump into what is practically a diary entry, if you’ve recently subscribed (and by recent I mean anytime in the last year), I won’t be offended if you unsubscribe because you came here looking for Scout resources. I will never pull down the resources I have posted, but I also will likely not make anything new. My Scouts have grown and jumped ship to Crew.

Now that I’ve lost half my audience 😉 

In short summary, I’ve lost my day job, had one of my children continue to turn into an amazingly confident and adept adult, had another one start that journey, had some medical needs with the youngest, been personally diagnosed (finally! It really was a relief) with MS, had yet another funeral, been on the lookout for a new job – but preferably a work from home hustle, and have spent a lot of time in bed looking for things to entertain me. Not in that order. 

Don’t worry, I’ll loop back about to all of those things.

What have *you* been up to? No, really, let me know! Maybe we can inspire each other. 

I know, I know. Blogs have evolved out of being glorified diaries and into advertising click bait. They aren’t even blogs anymore. Work with me here. I posted once last year. I thought it was because of reason A or B, but it turns out it was because of reasons C – F. Who knew? 

So I am using this as a jumping off point. I plan to have a short series of additional support posts, for everything from having adult (and nearly adult) children, medical diagnosis, life moving on, and everything in between. My goal is to have them connected, but also able to stand alone so someone searching for MS info maybe doesn’t find parenting info, or someone looking for parenting info doesn’t find EDS info, or whatever flavor of information you want and not what you don’t want. Even though all of those things are related, but only tangentially and only because they all are happening in my personal solar system. 

So I hope to hear from you, I hope what you hear from me in the coming days/weeks is handy, and if you’re looking for something in particular, drop me a note and let me know! 

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