Did you know? We’re offering up free of charge ModifiedMotherhood’s Homework Planners. Each PDF is one full sized standard page. There are four font options, 1942 Report; Butcher and Block; Ca Postal; and Lulo.
I made these for my son to tape right to the front of his 3 Ring Binder. He gets a new one each Sunday night. He isn’t into using a portable planner, and seeing as his binder goes to each class, this makes sure that he knows if he has homework, and we know if he has (or doesn’t have!) homework. The rule is each box must be filled in, even if it’s to state that there is no homework.
If your child is into carrying and using a full on planner, just print out as many as you want and staple/spiral bind/hole punch and put in your binder – whatever works for your child!
Each file is a blank homework planner, add your classes down the far left column and your own dates across the top.
Printing Instructions:
Print on 8.5″x11″ paper, full size. That’s it! No special printer settings needed to adjust margins. I’ve tested on my printer (which does print to the edges, but this is set up to print well even if yours doesn’t) and it prints properly the first time, every time.
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