Gifted Children

Gifted Children

I have a laundry list of things I want to blog about. I think I have five half written posts just sitting in my drafts folder. But first, before I even get back to those, […]


The last day of school…

…does not equal rest and relaxation. At least not in my world. I’m all for a lazy summer. And I guess, between the five (six, seven, eight) of us, we have one. But cram all […]

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Disney, you win again

Every year around this time there is one main discussion going on in my home, “Are we renewing Disney?”. It’s followed shortly thereafter by what are the other options, mentally walking through the other parks, […]



I love costume jewelry. I love real pieces too, but there is just something about costume pieces that make me happy. Even the really cheap ones. I’ve found, as I’m getting older, I’ve been collecting […]