Caring for Cast Iron

Caring for Cast Iron

I almost exclusively cook on cast iron when I’m cooking in a pan. Not 100%, but pretty close. I have more cast iron than I have stainless anyway, and it’s in more common rotation. Most […]



So I shared this link (this link is no longer in service, archived page linked on 1/15/16) to twitter/facebook yesterday and it’s super cute. It’s a bit adult oriented though, insofar as it’s literally pack […]

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Round Up, Slacker Style

I read a lot of blogs. A stupidly huge amount of blogs. Most of them are for recipes. It’s the least expensive, laziest way for me to build up my recipe obsession. You see, I […]

Retainers & Lunchtime

Retainers & Lunchtime

I bet you already know where this post is headed. Are you commiserating with me yet? Are you flinching at the thought of shelling out hundreds of dollars to replace something your child accidentally threw […]