All Day Ribs
BokBok, Oink, & Moo Main Dish

All Day Ribs

These ribs are always a hit. Even my pickiest of eaters asks me to make them on a regular basis! I like to serve them with baked beans, potato wedges, and a big (huge) salad. […]


30 in 30 Week One

30 in 30 Week One A Target bag full of my daughters clothes. She chose what didn’t fit and what she no longer wears and it’s off to a friend. Two containers of eight stamps […]

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What is art?

You have no idea how much I didn’t want this to turn into a “look what my kid did today” blog. This was just too awesome not to share. And since I am not going […]

Note: This is mostly a repost of a post I made in November of last year, with a few additions/updates. I know, I know. I was touting just a couple of months ago. But […]