Free Range Parenting

Free Range Parenting

Free Range Parenting. I love that term. Today I am waiting at Starbucks, across the street form Barnes & Noble, waiting on a client. My boys, who opted not to go to camp this summer, […]


Quick Smoothie

Just got in from taking the boys to sparring and decided I needed a smoothie. Then I decided to share the mishmash of ingredients I threw in there as it was tasty. You’re welcome.[recipe_card]

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Jumping Off Bridges

Me: Why are your eggshells in the box on top of the trash? Your trash belongs in the can. M: There was other trash on top – it looked like everybody was doing it just […]

Stuffed Rabbit Ears

Stuffed Rabbit Ears

Tucking my littlest in and I spotted her rabbit and asked why there was marker on the ear. She said because she drew on it. Ok, fair enough. So out of my mouth comes why […]