Camp Anawanna - Salute Your Shorts

Sleep Away Camp

If you had asked me anytime before M started Boy Scouts who I thought would go to sleep away camp first, I would have said E. D just isn’t interested in that sort of thing, […]


The last day of school…

…does not equal rest and relaxation. At least not in my world. I’m all for a lazy summer. And I guess, between the five (six, seven, eight) of us, we have one. But cram all […]


Common Core

My last few instagrams have been tagged with #commoncore #commoncoresucks #ihatepicturesofmath #floridaeducation #thirdgrade #math and I should have added #frustratedthirdgrader #frustratedparent and a few other choice #expletives on top of those. That image is the […]

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Round Up, Slacker Style

I read a lot of blogs. A stupidly huge amount of blogs. Most of them are for recipes. It’s the least expensive, laziest way for me to build up my recipe obsession. You see, I […]